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Friday, July 10, 2009


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Saturday, July 4, 2009

photoshop tutorial

[1]-First of all Open New Document of Custom size, Height & Width 300×400 pixels, Resolution 72 & Mode RGB Color.


[2]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following shape with the help of ‘Pen Tool’ & press right click > make selection.


[3]-Now fill the #’499514′ color in selection area.


[4]-Now select the ‘Dodge Tool’ Photoshop-Bowl-logo-icon-professional4 & create the following shading.


[5]-Now create the selection at new layer fill eith # ‘ 499514′ color.


[6]-Now select the ‘Burn Tool’ Photoshop-Bowl-logo-icon-professional7 & create the following shading.


[7]-Now select the ‘Brush Tool’ Photoshop-Bowl-logo-icon-professional10 & use the following setting.


[8]-Now create the following shape with the help of ‘Pen Tool’ right click select “Stroke Path” &
use the following settings of stroke path.




[9]-Now create the selection at new layer fill eith # ‘ d0d1c8′ color.


[10]-Now create the shadig with the help of Burn Tool.


[11]-Now your ‘Final’ image should look like as shown below.


Lighting Tutorial

Lighting Photoshop Tutorial

In this tutorial I will show you a very popular effect that gets a you a very cool lightning effect. The first thing you need to do is give your picture some texture. So go ahead and make a gradient.

Now go to filter> render> difference clouds

Now we are going to Adjust the levels to get rid of the unwanted clouds. So go to edit>adjust levels. And adjust them until you are satisfied, or use the settings below.

You should now have something like this:

Now just make a new layer, set the mode to "color" and fill it with the color you want your lightning to be. I chose purple.

Michael Jackson Wallpaper

Michael Jackson Wallpaper

Step 1

Open Photoshop and create a new document, for the canvas size I used 1920x1200 pixels.

Tribute to Michael Jackson Photoshop Tutorial

Step 2

Apply a Layer Style to the background layer, use Gradient Overlay. Use Radial for the Style and for the Colors use #101213 and #253239 for the colors. Also increase the Scale to 141%.

Tribute to Michael Jackson Photoshop Tutorial

Step 3

Let's use an image of the King of Pop... I got this one from the it's the famous leaning move. With the Pen Tool (P) or Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) extract MJ from the background.

Tribute to Michael Jackson Photoshop Tutorial

Step 4

Position MJ in the center of the document and then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 2.0 for the Radius.

Tribute to Michael Jackson Photoshop Tutorial

Step 5

Now go to Image>Adjustments>Hue and Saturation. Reduce the Saturation to -100. After that go to Image>Adjustments>Levels. Increase the Black Input to 140 e the white to 212.

Tribute to Michael Jackson Photoshop Tutorial

Step 6

With the Ellipse Tool (U) create an ellipse like the image below, then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 90 pixels for the Radius. Create another ellipse and repeat the Gaussian Blur, this time however, use 20 pixels for the Radius. Group these 2 ellipses and then change the Blend Mode of the group to Color Dodge.

Tribute to Michael Jackson Photoshop Tutorial

Step 7

With the Pen Tool (P) create the spot light, then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 80 pixels for the Radius. Change the Blend Mode to Overlay than duplicate this layer 2 times. You will have 3 layers.

Tribute to Michael Jackson Photoshop Tutorial

Step 8

With the Pen Tool (P) create another triangle like the image below just to make the light brighter towards the top and middle. Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 80 pixels for the radius. Also add another layer and then with the Brush Tool (B), use a big round brush with white for the color. Paint a spot of light at the top. After that group these 2 layers and change the Blend Mode of the group to Color Dodge.

Add another layer inside the group with Color Dodge and then paint some sparks like the image below.

Tribute to Michael Jackson Photoshop Tutorial

Step 9

Add another layer on top of the others and go to Filter>Render>Clouds. Make sure you had black and white for the background and foreground colors. Then change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge. After that with the Eraser Tool (E) select a big soft brush and start deleting the layer, leave just some very small areas close to the lights.

Tribute to Michael Jackson Photoshop Tutorial

Step 10

Select the MJ layer and change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge. Then with the Pen Tool (P) create a black triange to use as the MJ shadow. Then with the Eraser Tool (E) delete the end with a very soft brush. Also you will have to duplicate the MJ layer and change the Blend Mode to Normal then delete the rest of the layer and just leave the feet. We have to that because with the Color Dodge Blend Mode the black becomes transparent so MJ's shoes wouldn't appear.

Tribute to Michael Jackson Photoshop Tutorial


Select all layers and duplicate them, then go to Layer>Merge Layers. After that go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 15 pixels for the Radius and change then Blend Mode to Screen. That's it, our little tribute to the King of Pop, full of light effects and magic like his music. Now it's all about playing with the tool and creating your own version! Cheers ;)

Michael Jackson Tribute

Download the PSD file

Saturday, June 27, 2009

photoshop tutorial


Using the elliptical marquee tool create a white ellipse at the bottom.


With the rectangular marquee tool create a rectangle on top of the ellipse.


Fill the rectangle with the color on the same layer as the ellipse, you should have something like this.


Add these layer styles to your shape.


You should have something like this.


Duplicate your can shape and move it upwards about 2-4 pixels. Leave the gradient overlay style on but add these two additional styles.



You should now have something like this.


Duplicate the duplicate of the layer you just duplicated, right click the layer and goto clear layer styles. Now add a black overlay and move the shape up 1-2 pixels. Select the rectangular marquee tool and make a selection like this.


Once you’ve made the selection hit the delete key, you should be left with this.


Duplicate your shape once more and move up again about 1-2 pixels, once moved add these layer styles.



You should now have something like this.


Using the rectangular marquee tool create a selection over half of the can.


Select the gradient tool with a linear gradient, drag a white to transparent gradient over the can. Set the layer opacity to about 5%, Click the blue can layer whilst holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard, make sure the white gradient is selected then goto “edit > inverse” then hit the delete key. You should have something like this.


Still with the rectangular marquee tool make a selection like the image below.


Fill the selection with the color white then set layer opacity to 5%. Add a layer mask then drag a linear gradient from bottom towards the top. Your looking to get this effect.


Still with the gradient tool, only this time with a radial gradient. Select the color black to transparent, on a layer underneath everything, but above the background layer. Start from the middle of the canvas and drag towards one of the edges on the canvas. Alter the perspective of the radial gradient then drag underneath the can, your looking for this effect.


Select your desired cutting tool, on the very top of the can make a curvey cut like the image below. Personnally i think the pen tool works best.


For this next part your going to need this stock image. Cut away the background and begin to place the water splash inside the can. Set the splash layer opacity to 80% and blend mode to screen.


Duplicate and flip the splash image then change opacity to 100%, place the duplicated splash image on the other side of the can, you can remove bits of the water from the splash image so both sides dont look equally the same.


Continue duplicated, flipping and cutting the water untill you have something like this.


Behind some of the splash images add some little fish, ive also opted to add a shark also.


Finally label your drinks can with your brand of soda pop/water. You can adjust the label on the can by using the warp tool located in the “edit menu”. The final result should look something like this.


All done, hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Dont forget to subscribe via RSS and twitter. Thanks for your support.

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